The origin of 4 Madonne Caseificio dell’Emilia dates back to 1967, when a group of local cattle farmers established it: the building’s large scaled design made it look like a futuristic cheese factory.

The name “4 Madonne Caseificio dell’Emilia” recalls a votive square-based pillar, located nearby, where the Virgin Mary is figured on its four sides.

Across the decades, the cheese factory has constantly expanded the number of its shareholders and the quantity of supplied milk thereof.

In the last 21 years, 4 Madonne Caseificio dell’Emilia featured an increased output and acquired the following enterprises:

  • 1998: Caseificio San Pietro di Cittanova (Modena)
  • 2003: Cooperativa Solarese del Parmigiano Reggiano di Solara (Modena)
  • 2010: Cooperativa S. Luca di Camurana (Modena)
  • 2011: Latteria Sociale Giardina di Arceto (Reggio Emilia)
  • 2013: Caseificio San Giovanni di Varana (Modena)

Since 2013, as a result of a merger between the sites located in Arceto and Varana, we have also produced “Mountain-type” Parmigiano Reggiano, “Organic” Parmigiano Reggiano and “Red Cow” Parmigiano Reggiano.

Currently, 4 Madonne Caseificio dell’Emilia is the only factory, out of 355 members of “Consorzio del formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano”, which owns 4 sites in the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia and employs over 40 people.

On a regional basis, 4 Madonne Caseificio dell’Emilia stands out as one of the largest cooperatives across the district: the percentage of cheese which becomes Parmigiano Reggiano branded ranges 96 to 100% of the whole production and allows its shareholders to be paid-off a good price for their milk.

Today, thanks to the latest restorations carried out in the sites of Lesignana and Camurana, the output of Parmigiano Reggiano D.O.P. (Protected Designation of Origin – P.D.O.) amounts to 160 wheels, per day and about 60,000, per year.