Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Brune (Brown Cow Type)
These are the types of Parmigiano Reggiano you can buy online. Default price for 1Kg
Brown Cow type aged 40 months

The cow breed named Italian Brown Cow, also known as Alpine Brown Cow, appeared in the Po river valley, particularly in Parma, around 1870. Thanks to its adaptation to weather conditions, this breed is still quite common in Italy, especially in the production area of Parmigiano Reggiano. The Brow Cow has a marked dairy attitude, with significantly higher cheese yields than Frisona breed, despite a lower average production per lactation.
Brown Cow's milk features above-average qualitative and technological parameters, with a particular concentration of fats, proteins, and variant B of k-casein, resulting into a better incorporation of fats and cheese proteins, shorter clotting and hardening times and a higher percentage of calcium and phosphorus. The high density of brow cow's milk means a smaller amount of milk needed to produce one wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano, compared to the quantity of milk from Frisona breed cows. This also implies greater cheese making skills, especially during the complicated phase of “spinatura”, when the curd is broken, and the whey is expelled.
With Brown Cow’s fine quality milk, we make our tasteful Parmigiano Reggiano PDO, which rich, but also gentle flavour reveals a distinct hint of fodder and hazelnut. 4 Madonne Caseificio dell'Emilia Parmigiano Reggiano “Brown Cow” is accurately wrapped in a special rural-style packaging, which highlights its unicity and makes it easier to identify.