As a result of the earthquake that struck Emilia in 2012, May 20 and 29, two of the facilities owned by 4 Madonne Caseificio dell’Emilia became massively damaged.

The quake caused the crash of hundreds of wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano and structural damages to buildings. Fortunately, an immediate wave of solidarity from Italian people addressed to the damaged cheese factories, supported and encouraged us not to give in.

Earthquake didn’t stop us!

Despite all damages, we immediately resumed the processing of our Parmigiano Reggiano and never stopped since then.

Such a tragedy proved once more our personnel’s massive knowledge and dedication to their job and company: working on three shifts every day, they were able to package and sell the so-called “earthquake Parmigiano Reggiano”, in a fast moving and favourable context.

In that moment, we met loads of helping people who became, and still are, loyal customers of ours!

Less than two years later, our stores and offices were restructured, quake-proof racks installed and all damaged buildings fixed.

Earthquake’s damages